Rewards program consulting

Helping companies succeed with their reward program initiatives.


Are your reward partnerships delivering the desired ROI?

Many companies are offering reward points to customers, but some programs miss their target and become unloved by both the operators and their customers…

Steve Hui can help

Steve Hui is ‘the’ Independent Expert that understands the culture of reward points and what drives consumers to act.

His company iFLYflat has helped hundreds of successful small business owners earn and use points to fly. Steve’s expertise is regularly sought after by business leaders, the media and industry bodies. 

Create effective, impactful reward incentives

To develop a successful rewards promotion you need the right mix to be valuable in the eyes of the consumer and profitable for your business objectives. 

Steve Hui helps you optimise your existing loyalty initiatives, applying his understanding of how consumers perceive and respond to points, so you can configure your offer to be desirable for customers to act.


How to get started

1. Connect with Steve

Book a discovery call. Get insights into your situation and aspirations.

2. Review your offering

Steve will work with you or your team to fine-tune your loyalty initiatives.

3. Implement advice

Configure your reward offer to deliver greater impact and returns.